The short film "El juego vasco de la pelota" (The Basque Ball Game) promoted by the Basque Museum of Bilbao, produced by K2000 with the music of Kepa Junkera, has been selected as a candidate for the FIAMP Awards 2009, that will be held at the National Cinema Museum in Turin, the 14th of Feb. The festival is sponsored by The International Council of Museums, for the development and the new technology in sound and image.
Many shor films from worldwide cultural institutions aspire to win this award.
This production is part of the exhibition "El juego vasco de la pelota" that is held at the Basque Museum since late June.
This short film show us the evolution of the hand ball game and all the different aspects that accompanies it, as the bleachers, spectators and the bets, while giving the audience a closer look of the making of the ball itself, the star of the film. It has been recorded and designed in high definition and is displayed on a 7 meter screen!
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